Preparing for Class - Supplies Needed

There are some things that you will need to do and gather prior to our first class. I'm making this lesson viewable so anyone considering the course can see up front what will be needed.


You will need to decide which odor you want your dog to search for during this class. Once you choose an odor, you will stick with it through the whole 4-week class period. You can add other odors or switch your odor at a future date after class if you'd like, using the same steps that you will learn in this class.

For competition - in the USA, the main odors used in competition are Birch, Anise, and Clove, but different organizations and countries have differing odors. Please check the organizational guidelines for the group you want to compete through. You can do this by doing your own internet search.

For fun, or as an intro to scentwork - you can use any odor you choose. I recommend it be an odor that your dog is not going to smell regularly at other times than during searches, as this can be confusing. Don't for example use orange peel if you regularly have oranges around the house - you get the idea. You will want the odor you choose to be special and only for searches.

Here are some ideas:

I have used Q-tips with a specific odor, such as the oils listed above (Birch, Anise, and Clove). If you are going to use these and move onto competition, please order the oils through a K9 Nosework supplier, as oils can and will differ in scent and strength and you will want to make sure you are teaching your dog to search for the same odor as will be in the competition.

I have used a specific "flavor" of tea bag (one that I do not regularly drink or have around the house for my own use).

Some people use a small soft toy that they scent with catnip (don't do this if you have cats that you give catnip toys to).

I find it easier for teaching to use something that is small and can be contained easily in a container between search sessions. More about this later in the supplies list.

You will need to decide on what odor you want to use for this class. If you have questions about that, please reach out to me.

Several empty boxes (small to medium sized)

Please save several empty boxes that have not held food in them.

Glass jar

You will need a glass jar (best if it is a new canning jar not used for any food items) that is large enough to store your search item/odor in, with a tight-fitting lid. You will need a second jar if you need to store extra Q-tips or tea bags in a way that keeps the odor from seeping out to your dog in everyday storage.

The first jar has my tin inside, the second stores my scented Q tips until I'm ready to use them for a search.

Tin with holes

If you are using Q tips, a tea bag, or a small toy (something small), you will need a metal tin in which you poke holes in the lid with a nail. You can often find these at the dollar store in the crafts aisle. Your odor object should fit easily inside the tin.

Two nesting plastic containers

Please use two new (not used for any food items) tupperware or small plastic containers that fit into each other when stacked. They should be large enough for your odor item to fit inside, and also large enough for your dog to easily eat out of. But for ease of handling, you don't want them to be very big.

One of these (only 1) should have holes poked in the bottom - you can use an ice pick if you have one.

Latex free gloves/Tongs

You will need a way to handle the odor without getting it onto your hands. This will prevent you from then touching other things and spreading the odor around to areas where you don't want it to be. A clean poo bag can be used as a glove in a pinch :)

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