
Congratulations to you on your new puppy!

Bringing home a special puppy who experiences the world in unique ways is a decision full of fun and possibilities!

While puppies with visual differences can become delightful family members, they do experience the world differently than other puppies. This is a time in their lives when they are growing and learning daily. What they learn now will impact them for their entire lives.

I'm so glad you decided to join Puppy Prep School where you will learn how to best support your puppy's experiences during this crucial developmental time.

For the next four weeks, I'll take you through step by step the stages of learning and development your puppy is going through. You'll learn how to adapt common teaching and socialization methods to bring out the best in your blind or blind/deaf puppy.

Some of what we'll cover:

  • Adaptations in Communication
  • Choosing Toys and Playtime
  • Common Puppy Behaviors - Mouthing, Jumping and More
  • Enrichment and Fun Learning Activities
  • How Blind Puppies Experience the World
  • Setting the Stage for Great Quality of Life
  • How to Encourage Happy, Confident Puppies
  • Teaching Manners and Daily Life Skills

This is a unique class for your exceptional puppy! Let's get started!


What to expect

In the first section, you'll find tips for how to set up your zoom class area for best success, what to bring to class with you, and some extra tips and resources to get you started. You'll have access to this information right away, as well as a way that you can reach out to me directly with any questions you might have.

You'll find zoom links to each week's live class here as well, so you'll be able to find everything you need easily.

Don't worry if you're not familiar with zoom or how to attend a class virtually. It's an easy learning curve and I'm here to help you each step of the way. Virtual classes are actually super convenient since you don't need to worry about traveling to get to class on time while juggling your puppy, your supplies, and your car keys!

Each week's lesson will have a pre-recorded lesson with super special puppy information to keep you and your puppy on the right track, and to prepare you for the live lesson that week.

A recording of the live call will be uploaded into this portal space so you can review it any time you want to. I'll also be uploading extra information, links and videos each week to support the week's lessons so you can dive in deeper if you'd like. You'll find some fun new activities to try with your puppy each week!

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