Puppy Prep School - Foundations for Blind & Blind/Deaf Puppies

Set your visually-impaired puppy up for a great life with this fun and informative puppy class!

"I can't tell you how fortunate we were to come across this class, learning right alongside other fur parents in real time with puppies in the same circumstances, the same age, from Deb and Delight! The timing couldn't have worked out any better. Deb is an amazing teacher, and Delight is the perfect role model. We gained so much knowledge and so many tools to help Bristol thrive and she LOVES learning! The class was amazingly helpful, and we can't wait for the next round to start. Thank you for helping us be able to give Bristol the best life possible!"

- Jessica & Bristol, Puppy Prep School Stars

Puppies are always learning!

This is why it’s so important to support them right from the start to become happy, confident, and content family members. Positive teaching methods and appropriate puppy-led socialization are key to this process.

But did you know that the majority of puppy classes don’t include how to best work with visually impaired, blind, or blind/deaf puppies? Common puppy curriculums simply aren’t enough to provide the stability and predictability that these puppies need to feel safe and confident in our world. They perceive the world differently than sighted puppies, so it’s important to adapt our methods and communication in ways that encourage confidence and show them that the world is a safe, happy and fun place.

This 4-week virtual puppy prep school is an ideal learning environment for you and your puppy. It’s tailored specifically for puppies with visual differences (from mild to complete blindness), and for puppies who might be both blind and deaf. You’ll learn specific teaching and socialization strategies to keep your puppy feeling safe and happy while encouraging their self-confidence. This class uses positive reinforcement teaching methods so you can set your puppy up for success from the start.

Your instructor is recognized internationally as an author, speaker, and expert in working with blind and/or deaf dogs and their families. You will get the unique opportunity to work alongside her with your own puppy, learning her top tips and observing her working with a blind/deaf dog in real time.

"Never having a blind/deaf dog in our pack, we lacked experience. After researching we found Deb's foundation class for b/d puppies. It was a lifesaver, giving ME confidence and the education to communicate with Gypsy. This in turn, will give Gypsy the best possible life."

- Terry & Gypsy, Puppy Prep School Stars

Class Details:

Some of what we'll cover:

  • Adaptations in Communication
  • Choosing Toys and Playtime
  • Common Puppy Behaviors - Mouthing, Jumping and More
  • Enrichment and Fun Learning Activities
  • How Blind Puppies Experience the World
  • Setting the Stage for Great Quality of Life
  • How to Encourage Happy, Confident Puppies
  • Teaching Manners and Daily Life Skills

HOW: Class will consist of a short, pre-recorded lesson each week for you to watch and refer back to at your convenience. These lessons will provide you with valuable information about how puppies with visual differences perceive the world and learn best.

There will also be a live zoom call (recorded) each week where you will have the opportunity to attend with your puppy, do some fun teaching activities, and get your questions answered. A recording will be uploaded to the online classroom after each live so you can refer back to it as you practice if you wish.

WHO: This class is suitable for puppies with any degree of visual difference from slight to complete blindness, and for puppies with both visual and hearing differences such as blind/deaf puppies. While this class offers valuable information and activities for puppies of all ages, the material covered is extremely helpful for puppies up to 6 months of age.

Class size is limited so I can provide individual support to each of you during our allotted times together. So be sure to register early! Spaces will fill up fast.

WHEN: Class begins Wed, Sept. 11th at 6:30 pm CST, and continues for four consecutive weeks.

Your Instructor

Deb Bauer KPA-CTP, TT-CAP 2, FDM
Deb Bauer KPA-CTP, TT-CAP 2, FDM

Deb is an internationally recognized expert in working with blind and/or deaf dogs. She teaches people to communicate effectively with their visually and/or hearing-impaired dogs to teach them effective life skills, fun tricks and to ensure a happy and wonderful quality of life. She has published several books - perhaps the most well-known book about living with and teaching blind and deaf dogs is Through A Dark Silence.

Deb Bauer has over 30 years of teaching and consulting experience working with dogs and their people. She is a holistic dog behavior and well-being coach. Deb assists and supports people who wish to give their dogs the very best lifestyle possible, meeting their needs, and also creating calm, well-behaved companions.

In addition to her focus on blind/deaf dogs, Deb has extensive experience teaching and competing with dogs in a variety of activities such as therapy and assistance work, agility, obedience and rally, media work, scent work, and more. She also has extensive experience rehabilitating dogs showing excessive fearful and reactive behaviors, such as those from commercial breeding facilities and hoarding situations. She regularly works with rescues and shelters to assist with getting dogs ready for new homes.

Deb holds multiple certifications in areas of training, behavior, wellness and well-being. This allows her to offer you and your dog the most useful and comprehensive plan for success. She is committed to continuing her education to stay up to date on the most current research and information to bring to her clients.

For a full bio and other resources, please visit www.yourinnerdog.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
Class runs for 4 consecutive weeks. The next class session begins on Sept. 11th at 6:30 pm CST. Class size is limited to allow for individualized support for you and your puppy - register early!
How long do I have access to the course?
You will retain access to the material after the class is finished to refer back to as often as you need to.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us before the second week of class, and we will give you a full refund.

This course is closed for enrollment.